Is your building Net Zero ready?
Raven's Journey to Net Zero
Cutting energy waste...
EnergiRaven’s purpose is to help commercial and multi-residential property owners with complex portfolios cut energy waste and achieve their Net Zero targets. Our platform, therefore, is designed to help understand, plan, and navigate the optimum route to Net Zero. EnergiRaven achieves this through energy education, energy monitoring and accounting tools and energy performance reporting.
Established in 1998, myEnergiRaven was the first energy monitoring software platform developed in Denmark. Globally, there are over 8,000 buildings monitored by myEnergiRaven.
myEnergiRaven collects, converts, and breaks down traditional energy consumption data into user-friendly financial metrics for the whole building portfolio, down to the individual building level, comparing it against a budgeted benchmark.
To achieve the best breakdown of energy consumption, sub-metering with automatically read meters (AMR) is required. This will enable users to determine exactly when and how energy is being wasted.
Data acquired can be used for easy ESG reporting.
The cheapest energy is the energy we do not use
Reducing energy consumption is a vital part of achieving our Net Zero targets. Naturally, the more generation capacity required the more expensive the transition to renewable technologies will be. Hence, Net Zero starts with eliminating energy waste from our buildings by realising energy savings and increasing energy efficiency. Making best use of low carbon heat plant such as heat networks, heat pumps, and thermal storage requires energy efficient buildings.