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Heat Highways

Roadmap to Energy, Security & Net Zero

In the age of abundance, we’ve forgotten the old mantra of ‘waste not, want not’. If we desperately need clean, low-cost energy – why do we squander so much of what we already produce? Building solar parks and offshore wind farms might be exciting, but there’s a far more practical solution right under our noses: waste heat.

Data centres, power stations, supermarkets, and factories are just a few industries generating incredible amounts of excess heat that currently disappears into the ether. Using existing technologies, the UK’s 17,000 heat networks could form a ‘green heat grid’ that captures waste heat via inter-city heat highways. By transporting low-cost, zero-carbon heat from points of surplus to where it’s needed most, we have a remarkable opportunity to make fuel poverty a thing of the past.

Harvesting Heat Using Heat Highways
Play Video about 0:03 / 2:40 Harvesting Heat Using Heat Highways

The East Lothian Question

Scotland’s East Lothian District epitomises the UK’s struggle to secure clean, affordable heating. But by scaling our ambitions and learning from Denmark’s use of waste heat, we can embed sustainability into the fabric of our urban planning. 

Can Scotland achieve Net Zero while dumping waste heat to atmosphere?

Future Proofing Manchester's Heating for Good!

Fuel poverty is at crisis levels and there’s a Net Zero target hurtling towards us. So why don’t we tap into the abundant, low-cost, zero carbon, waste heat we currently generate?

With the right mindset, Net Zero isn’t some insurmountable challenge; it’s an opportunity to make the North the UK’s green powerhouse.

Heat Highways & Green Grids


Heat Highways Campaign

Heat Highways also known as Heat Transmission Highways will be a fundamental constituent if we are to quickly and cost-effectively de-carbonise our future heat supply.

Heat Highways harvest waste-heat from sources of excess, transporting the heat over vast distances to large population centres, whereby the heat can then be distributed at a local level via heat networks to consumers.

Further Reading

Explore our library for more EnergiRaven documents.


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