
Commercial Buildings

Digitalising building energy consumption allows for real-time monitoring and analysis of energy usage, which can help to identify areas of inefficiency and opportunities for improvement.

Identifying these can lead to significant cost and carbon savings for building owners.

Hourly data is a requirement. 

RavenBuildings video - optimising energy usage in buildings

Step Zero

Ongoing Monitoring

An Energy Monitoring System is required to continuously monitor and minimise a building portfolios actual energy consumption versus budget.

Closing our buildings’ energy performance gap is essential to achieving Net Zero.

We have chosen EnergiData, Denmark as our “Be Seen” energy accounting partner. Their unique, C-level executive approach is helping over 8,000 commercial buildings globally cut energy waste.

Net Zero Voyage - Energy Efficiency

Step 1

Energy Saving

The cheapest energy is the energy we do not use. Energy savings can easily be made with little to no investment by changing user habits, ensuring proper management of heating systems, and identifying and eliminating sources of energy wastage. A further step, with appropriate investment, is reducing heat loss by taking a fabric first approach to building renovation.

Net Zero Voyage - Energy Monitoring

Step 2

Energy Efficiency

Building services need to achieve a satisfactory indoor climate with the minimum of energy waste. A building portfolio’s Energy Monitoring System should be organised to continuously monitor energy performance indicators against budget and immediately raise alarms when waste is detected.  

Ongoing Monitoring - Net Zero Voyage

Step 3

Decarbonise Energy Sources

Decarbonising the building’s energy source is the last step of the Net Zero process. Often, renewable technologies will not be cost-effective or perform as intended if the previous steps have not been addressed. By reducing the energy consumption of our buildings, the UK’s need for generational capacity will diminish, bringing Net Zero closer to reality.

Net Zero Voyage - Decarbonise Energy Sources

Climate and Energy Reporting

Buildings are the biggest source of UK emissions, where heat in buildings accounts for almost 40% of total Greenhouse Gas emissions.

Engineering and Construction firms can contribute to making projects cleaner and more sustainable by offering net zero as a service (NZaaS). This enables the monitoring and disclosure of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions on Heat Network projects and whole building portfolios. This includes quantifying emissions produced not only through an asset’s operations, but also those across its life cycle including embodied carbon of products installed.

RavenBuildings Brochure

Download the RavenBuildings brochure from our document library to learn how to reduce energy waste and achieve your Net Zero targets. 


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