How District Heat-as-a-Service Can Solve Our Fuel Poverty Crisis


How District Heat-as-a-Service Can Solve Our Fuel Poverty Crisis

In our latest Raven-i we explore the concept of District Heat-as-a-Service, giving a comprehensive breakdown and examples of how the successful model works in Denmark.

In the pursuit of eradicating the last of the dirty and polluting gas and oil heating zones District Heating companies and Heat Utilities in Denmark are rapidly coverting home heating to heat supplied by clean heat networks.

With the option of no upfront costs, Danish home owners can futureproof their heat supply with green and low-cost heat by instead paying a monthly subscription.

Hassle Free Heat, Street by Street

In addition to the removal of the old gas or oil boiler DHaaS combines all the heat utility supply costs – network connections, Heat Interface Unit (HIU), installation, ongoing maintenance (including replacement of parts), and performance based servicing – into simple monthly payments spread over 20 years.

Depending on the subscription service model chosen by the home owner, once the HIU has reached its end of life, a new HIU will be installed as part of the ongoing subscription.

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