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Welcome to The Library, a hub of invaluable resources and knowledge. Our vast collection includes reports, insightful whitepapers, and case studies. The Library is constantly evolving to provide you with the most up-to-date and relevant documents. Navigate through our extensive collection with ease, utilizing the search bar to pinpoint your specific documents or select filters to narrow down your search. 

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Raven-i - District Heat-as-a-Service (Rev 3 2024)
Raven-i - Powering Prosperity With Clean Heat (Rev 1 2024)
ESG Reporting Brochure (Rev 1 2024)
Raven-i - The East Lothian Question (Rev 2 2024)
RavenBuildings Quicklook Brochure (Rev 1 2024)
Raven-i - Heat Highways: The UK’s Fast Lane to a Greener, Brighter Future COWI (Rev 2 2024)
RavenResidential Overview (Rev 2 2024)
Raven-i - Future Proofing Manchesters Heating for Good! (Rev 1 2024)
The Renaissance of Denmark’s Triangle Region (Rev 2 2024)
Raven-i - Harnessing the Power of Abandoned Coal Mines (Rev 1 2024)
RavenResidential Case Story (Ironworks Mill Road) 4pp Web.pdf
Raven-i - Future Proofing Heat in Northern Cities (Rev 1 2024)
Raconteur - Future of Energy Report
Whitepaper - Heat Generation in Denmark (Danish District Heating Association)
RavenBuildings - Digitalising Building Energy Usage Brochure
RavenResidential - Heat Network Energy Optimisation Brochure
Danfoss Whitepaper - The world's largest untapped energy source
Raven-i - Motivational Tariffs for Heat Networks Article
Digitalisation and data-driven operations in Danish district heating companies
Raven-i - Heat Networks (The No Regret Heating Solution)
Raven-i - Hornsyld District Heating Scheme
Raven-i - Heat Plan for Denmark 2021
State of Green - Energy renovation of buildings
Raven-i - Replacing Gas Networks with Low-Cost Heat Networks
Raven-i - IDA Climate Response 2045
Raven-i - Hydrogen and Heat Network Symbiosis
Raven-i - Energy education is vital to making Net Zero cost-effective
Raven-i - CHP powered by Renewable Gas
EnergiRaven - Energy Saving Tips
EnergiRaven System Specifications (Word Format)
EnergiRaven System Specifications (PDF Format)
Danfoss Whitepaper - The neglected demand side of the green equation
Case Story (Manchester Office)
Case Story (Coop, Supermarket Chain)
Case Story (Bestseller, Fashion Retailer)
Case Story (Jyske, Bank)
Case Story (Elgiganten, Electrical Goods Retailer)
Case Story (Nykredit, Bank)
Case Story (Lejre Municiple Council)
Case Story (Egedal Municiple Council)
Raven Review (Technical Insight) - Benchmarking
Raven Review (Technical Insight) - Space Heating
Case Story (Sonderborg School)
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