The East Lothian Question: Can Scotland achieve Net Zero while dumping waste heat to atmosphere?

Private Eye Advert - The East Lothian Question

The East Lothian Question: Can Scotland achieve Net Zero while dumping waste heat to atmosphere?

Have you seen our advert in the latest issue of Private Eye Magazine? Scotland has a fantastic opportunity to quickly and cost-effectively decarbonise Edinburgh’s heating requirements using heat transported from East Lothian Council's plentiful waste heat sources.

If you would like to find out more, visit our Heat Highways page and download our document on The East Lothian Question here.

And a little note for “Old Sparky”:

Re Keeping the Lights On A DRAX Special: In a contradictory era of simultaneous fuel poverty and global boiling, how long are we going to accept dumping heat to atmosphere?

If we put aside the issue that DRAX burns rare old growth wood transported all the way from Canada to the UK and focus on the issue that they aren’t even being efficient with these precious raw materials!

Should some of the investment from the UK government not be used to capture the enormous amounts of waste heat produced as a by-product from power generation and transport this via a Heat Transmission Highway to consumers and businesses?

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