Powering Prosperity: How the Green Transition Fuels Community Wealth and Green Jobs

Energi Haven at former Cockenzie Power Station site

Powering Prosperity: How the Green Transition Fuels Community Wealth and Green Jobs

The transition from pollution-heavy heating systems to clean, green heat represents more than just an environmental necessity; it is a significant opportunity to build community wealth and create new green jobs. This shift demands a massive build-out of renewable technologies such as geothermal, solar, wind, and biogas, alongside the development of supporting green industries. To realize this vision, a vast deployment of labour and an upgrade in skills will be essential.

The Vision for British Energy

Imagine a future where old, abandoned industrial sites transform into vibrant hubs of energy and innovation. These Green Energi Havens can unlock the full potential of British energy, creating a future where nothing goes to waste. Located near major cities, these hubs become even more valuable by providing local economic benefits and reducing the need for imported energy.

These repurposed industrial sites can support green industrial clustering, utilizing green electricity to produce hydrogen and support symbiotic industries such as e-fuels, green plastics, carbon-neutral fertilizers, vertical farming, and renewable industrial processing. Excess heat generated at these hubs can be captured and stored via regional Heat Transmission Highways, delivering clean and affordable heat to local homes and businesses.

Heat Transmission Highways

Heat Transmission Highways can harvest commercial and industrial waste heat, heat from surplus renewable power generation, and freely available renewable heat from coal mines. This heat can then be transported to villages, towns, and cities, providing a sustainable and efficient solution for heating needs.

East Lothian Heat Highway Map
The East Lothian Heat Transmission Highway – Edinburgh’s answer to eliminating fuel poverty and speedy decarbonisation of the heat required for buildings. To find out more visit our Heat Highways page.

Learning from Denmark

Denmark is already building these innovative hubs, accelerating its journey toward a net-zero future. By coupling power production, industry, and heat utilities, Denmark is creating new green jobs and skills while keeping money within local economies. This model demonstrates that smarter energy use is not only possible but essential for achieving sustainability and local economic growth.

Creating Green Jobs

The green transition promises substantial job creation. For instance, in 2020, a report from 3F and The Green Transition Council in Denmark estimated that 4,160 new green jobs were needed to convert 480,000 homes from individual gas and oil heating to heat networks and individual heat pumps. Additionally, a further 5,684 jobs were projected for energy renovation of existing buildings to connect to these systems.

Connecting to Heat Networks

To meet Net Zero targets, it is estimated that 50-60% of buildings will need to connect to a Heat Network. This large-scale infrastructural shift will create numerous job opportunities in installation, maintenance, and operation of these networks.

Energi Havens surrounding Edinburgh

Green Energi Havens located at Grangemouth and Cockenzie supplying Edinburgh’s heat networks with surplus heat.

The green transition offers a unique opportunity to build community wealth and create new green jobs. By strategically integrating sectors and fostering local growth, we can tackle fuel poverty, achieve net-zero emissions, and ensure a sustainable future for all. The transformation of industrial sites into Green Energi Havens and the development of Heat Transmission Highways are critical steps in this journey, demonstrating that a waste-not, want-not future is not just a dream but a necessity.

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