| myEnergiRaven


Aerial view of canal

Danish Gas Network Consumers are Screaming for Heat Networks

It is clear to see why Danish heat consumers with individual gas-fired boilers living in gas network zones are screaming for heat networks. Odsherred Heat Network is not an uncommon example of how having a wide energy mix is lowering costs for consumers, and the more heat network connections are made the lower the price of heat will be in the future.

Net Zero Zoyage

Hornsyld District Heating Scheme

The Hornsyld Project is a good example of how Hornsyld-Bråskov local council is planning to apply the Heat Plan Denmark 2021 to transform the heat supply for Hornsyld’s 1600 inhabitants, schools, sports facilities, and businesses.

Ongoing Monitoring - Net Zero Voyage

Heat Plan for Denmark 2021

Denmark has a target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 70% in 2030 and a goal of 100% climate neutrality in 2050. Fundamental to achieving this goal is the transition of the Danish heating sector to near-zero CO2 emissions by 2030.

To assess how the heat sector can transform in a technically, economically, and environmentally appropriate way in such a short period of time, researchers at the University of Aalborg (AUU) developed the Heat Plan Denmark 2021. This document sets out how the heating sector can transform relatively quickly using technologies that are already available.


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